Building a brighter future for City College of San Francisco

Meet Heather

With over 18 years as a community college professor, I understand firsthand the transformative power of accessible, high-quality education. City College is more than just a school — it’s a launchpad for dreams, where people from all backgrounds come together to learn, grow, and improve their lives.

Currently, City College is facing challenges such as low student enrollments, financial difficulties, and leadership issues. I have the expertise and experience needed to help CCSF overcome these obstacles and bring accountability, transparency, and stability to the institution.

Together, we can build a brighter future for City College and all those who depend on it for education, training, and personal enrichment.

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Ensuring Fiscal Health

I believe in transparency and accountability in managing CCSF’s resources. My goal is to ensure that every dollar is used effectively to support student success.

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Increasing Student Enrollment

We must find ways to better market and expand programs that are working, and to create new programs and pathways that will serve our community and attract new students.

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It is time to build stronger relationships between CCSF and the broader community to enhance educational opportunities, workforce development, and lifelong learning. I will advocate for everyone to have a seat at the table as we reimagine CCSF for the future.

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Stable Leadership

Students, faculty, staff, and administrators all deserve to learn and work in an inclusive and collaborative environment that is safe and sustainable.

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