
Assessor Recorder
Joaquín Torres

Myrna Melgar

Former Supervisor
Jane Kim

State Senator
Scott Wiener

Joel Engardio

Hillary Ronen

State Controller
Malia Cohen

Rafael Mandelman

Catherine Stefani

President Jesse MacEwan

United Faculty of
Ohlone (Independent Faculty Union)

Emmanuel Garcia

Chief Negotiator,
United Faculty of Ohlone (Independent Faculty Union)

Former President
Jeff O’Connell

United Faculty of Ohlone (Independent Faculty Union)

Dr. Kyle Livie

Education Commissioner
of Pleasant Hill

Dr. Katherine Michel

Ohlone College Faculty Senate

President Stephanie Foisy

California School Employees Association (CSEA) Chapter 490

“I have worked with Heather in faculty leadership for over 20 years. She is always passionate and incredibly intelligent, and she can see all sides of an issue. She is the perfect candidate for the Board of Trustees position at City College.”

—Jeff O’Connell
Former United Faculty of Ohlone College President and Former Faculty Senate President Ohlone College

“I wholeheartedly endorse Heather McCarty for the City College of San Francisco Board of Trustees. City College could not find a more student-focused, qualified, committed, and engaged member.

As a fellow faculty member at Ohlone College, Heather is my "go-to" for all questions. She openly shares pedagogical knowledge related to synchronous and asynchronous teaching; she intimately understands budgets, unions, shared governance, federal and state law, and Title 5 (CA Code of Regulations as they relate to community colleges); and she takes the time to investigate an institution's history, to understand local rules and procedures, and to ensure processes are appropriately-followed.

Heather McCarty will be an invaluable addition to the City College Board of Trustees.” 

— Dr. Katherine Michel
Faculty Senate President, Ohlone College

“Heather has a wealth of budget, negotiations, and unofficial administrative experience. I was blessed to have Heather as my mentor when I became Ohlone’s Faculty Union Chief Negotiator. Showing me the ins and outs of leaves, grievances and discipline and then finally the structure of the college’s budget has been indispensable as my growth as a faculty and union member.

Heather has been an advocate for transparency, fairness, and equity as a member of the Budget Committee probing into the College’s budget.”

— Emmanuel Garcia
Chief Negotiator, United Faculty of Ohlone